Swallowed by the Sea

Sinking Megacity

JanJaap Brinkman, Researcher Deltares

The sea level is expected to rise in Jakarta between 3 and 10 mm/year.

The sea already reaches the city’s existing coastal flood wall during high tide, meaning that flooding will get worse every year. One local climate researcher, Irvan Pulungan, an adviser to the city’s governor, fears that temperatures may rise several degrees Fahrenheit, and sea level as much as three feet in the region, over the coming century.

© Josh Hanner | Jakarta Could End Up Underwater
© Deltares | Sea Level Rise Predictions
Sinking Citiy

Jakarta Is Sinking So Fast

JanJaap Brinkman, Researcher Deltares

The current average subsidence rate in Jakarta is 75-100 mm/year, and up to 179 mm/year in some areas.

In this century Jakarta has sunk 2000 mm (data from 2013). If no counter-measures are taken, this is expected to increase by another 1800 mm by 2025. The causes of the subsidence are groundwater abstraction and unchecked building practices.

The Sinking Cities
Jakarta Subsidence