Climate Adaptation Summit 2021
On 25 and 26 January 2021 the Climate Adaptation Summit will convene global leaders and local stakeholders, hosted by The Netherlands. It will see the launch of a comprehensive Adaptation Action Agenda that sets out clear commitments to deliver concrete new endeavours and partnerships to make our world more resilient to the effects of climate change.
The Summit is a great opportunity for Water as Leverage (WaL) to present the programme, inspire and get people involved. WaL focuses on catalyzing urban climate actions through a design-led holistic and inclusive approach, using water’s connecting capacity as driver for sustainable development.
These articles on Water as Leverage Semarang and Chennai are some of the contributions of Water as Leverage to share our knowledge and expertise gained during the progamme on Climate Adaptation. In the coming days, more contributions will follow, such as the launch of the ‘Water as Leverage – Call for Action’ paper, another article on Water as Leverage Chennai & Climate Adaptation and the broadcasting of the Roundtable ‘Water as Leverage – Call for Climate Action’.
See more: Water as Leverage Reflect: an in-depth analysis and reflection on the program, its inclusive, integrated and sustainable approach, the process, the design methodology, the partners, the places, the impact and follow-up
Watch: Stream Water as Leverage Roundtable at Climate Adaptation Summit 2021
WaL Roundtable: How to use water as a lever to drive climate-resilient development?
The Roundtable ‘Water as Leverage – Call for Climate Action’ will give an answer to the questions: ‘How to use water as a lever to drive climate-resilient development?’ and ‘How can you get involved?’

Henk Ovink
Netherlands Special Envoy for International Water Affairs
Catalyzing urban climate actions through a design-led holistic and inclusive approach

Kathleen Dominique
Lead Financing Water of OECD
Innovative, resilient urban projects through partnership

Stuart Orr
Practice Lead, Fresh Water of WWF
Water’s connecting capacity as driver for sustainable development.

Shabana Abbas
President of the Water Youth Network
How partners across society make WaL work, and drive impactful climate adaptation action?

Francis Ghesquiere
Head of the Secretariat for World Bank's GFDRR
Importance to engage the financial sector from the start and new initiative WaL in Vietnam

Ambika Jindal
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Lead Valuing Water Initiative
WaL Reflect: Evaluation
The evaluation by the OECD, University of Groningen and AWB Brussels

Henk Ovink
Netherlands Special Envoy for International Water Affairs
Catalyzing urban climate actions through a design-led holistic and inclusive approach

Xavier Leflaive
Team Leader, Resilience, Adaptation and Water, Environment Directorate, OECD
Resilience, adaptation to a changing climate and water

Annet Kempenaar
Assistant Professor Spatial Design and Water Management, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen
Spatial Design and Water Management

Joachim Declerck
Director & co-founder Architecture Workroom Brussels
Design and spatial development for the realization of social transitions
About Water as Leverage
Water as Leverage focuses on catalyzing urban climate actions through a design-led holistic and inclusive approach, using water’s connecting capacity as driver for sustainable development.
For latest update, University of Groningen also published two articles on Water as Leverage Semarang:
o 2020 A transformative process for urban climate resilience: The case of Water as Leverage Resilient Cities Asia in Semarang, Indonesia, Laeni, N., Ovink, H., Busscher, T., Handayani, W., & van den Brink, M. (2020). In R. de Graaf-van Dinther (Ed.), Climate resilient urban areas. Governance, design and development in coastal delta cities. Palgrave Macmillan
o 2020 Building Local Institutional Capacities for Urban Flood Adaptation: Lessons from the Water as Leverage Program in Semarang, Indonesia, Laeni, N., van den Brink, M., Busscher, T., Ovink, H. & Arts, J., 1-Dec-2020, In : Sustainability. 12, 23, p. 1-22 22 p., 10104.