The city of Prayagraj
Under the Strategic Water Partnership between India and the Netherlands the Joint Working Group Water decided to combine the Clean Ganga Program (NMCG) and Water as Leverage Program (WaL). One of the first activities has been a hotspot analysis of the entire Ganga basin conducted and reported by Deltares and OOZE Architects in 2022. With the input of this analysis, a joint workshop was organized on how to combine the Water as Leverage program with the NMCG program in October 2022.
The kick-off workshop, held in Prayagraj from December 20-21, 2023, served to explore the opportunities for a joint WaL-NMCG initiative in the city of Prayagraj, delving into the city’s challenges, potentials, ongoing projects and initiatives. The workshop also marked the beginning of the Hotspot Analysis for Prayagraj by defining its purpose, scope, and data requirements, and identifying key stakeholders and data sources.